Take the stress out of curating social media for your business.
The Social Kit is your essential social media membership, a one-stop-shop for Australian businesses who don’t know what the HECK to post on social. Plus pre-written captions, and tonnes of Aussie pix and videos to make your life easy-peasy. Get a curated Dashboard every week, so “what do I post?” becomes a problem NO MORE. Want more? Suuuuure. Access stacks of Canva templates a LIVE monthly lesson where you can ask all the questions and get tips and tricks to make selling your business on social media EASY and STRESS-FREE.
One easy Toolkit
Everything you need to promote your business on social media
The Social Kit is your secret weapon when it comes to creating social media without the effort. If you’ve got a business that’s just crying out for effective social media content, but lack the big budget digital agency waiting in the wings to help you elevate your messaging, The Social Kit is very much your jam.
Designed to support all Australian businesses, big or small, with ready-to-go words and pictures and our ‘Dashboard Bestie’ to help you every Monday, The Social Kit is the social media rocket fuel your business is crying out for.
We have stacks of original, non-stocky, authentic Australian images to choose from and plenty of new ones added every month. You’ll always have something to post. Landscape and locational images, Australian lifestyle and industry specific. We have everything you need to support your socials.
Find Reels and TikToks painful to make? Don't have any quality video to use? Our library of portrait-style videos will enable you to make one in less than five minutes which, quite frankly, is faster than making a cup of coffee.
Think we’re exaggerating? See how here.
Want clever and stylish graphics to showcase your industry or represent your corporate personality? Our clever (and ridiculously good looking) Canva geniuses have designed hundreds which you can customise and use on your social media right now and yes, you can absolutely claim all the credit. We won’t tell.
Suffering from writer’s block? Always groping for that perfect witty caption to grab your customer’s attention? We’ve pre-written hundreds of customisable captions to make you look like you graduated in smarty-pants cum laude (Google it, it’s a thing and it’s not rude… promise 😉).
We’ve got a bottomless bucket of ideas (otherwise known as The SK Library) to help you navigate out the minefield that is social media planning. We have a full compendium of inspiration, key dates to inspire some fun content, and free training to keep you vibin’ with the cool kids.

How it works
How does The Social Kit Work? And will it work for me? (Because I literally have no time/ideas/f**ks to give)
The Social Kit has been designed to support Aussie small businesses to enable you, the poor overworked person tasked with creating exciting and eye-catching professional social media posts without expensive custom photography, videography or copywriters, the easiest way possible to achieve all of the above. We believe our complete social kit will propel your business to new heights on social media here in Australia with minimum effort (or spondoolies 💸) required. Here are some of the industries we know will love The Social Kit:
Now that we’re not all gripped by a fear of imminent extinction thanks to a bat-based virus, everybody’s favourite pastime is dreaming of where they’ll go on their next trip - so how do you stand out from the crowd when all eyes are on the next must-go spot (and it’s not yours?) Never fear, The Social Kit is here. As indispensable as an emergency toothbrush on an unexpected layover, we’ll provide the words, pictures and brilliant, inspirational vibes to send your destination to the moon (and back. We’re not bloody astronauts).
Who hasn’t toppled down the Insta rabbit hole of perfect teeth/skin/hair or dreamed of pain-free sleep/walking/looking at Insta in bed? Certainly not us with our wonky tusks and cricked necks, so because of that, we’re exceedingly well-placed to spruce up your dental/osteopathy and allied services business in ways that simply seem impossible when you’re staring into space, panicking quietly as acres of blank screen stares back.
We’re all for a fitter, healthier, well-er world, so let us assist you dominate in this, your chosen field. The Social Kit unlocks a uniquely inspiring ideas, captions, graphics and pics that will keep eyes on your page, words that will convert clicks to dollars and reels that will put a skip in your customer’s steps.
We’ve got a lot of time for animals and their associated issues/fashion sense and food. We know that second to human children, the fur variety are almost as beloved/expensive/easily swayed by a brilliant marketing idea. However, if you’re simply out of ideas about how to get Fido to fetch your genius product from the virtual shelves, The Social Kit can help (but only if you sit, SIT, good boy).
Pay attention at the back because this is lil’ nugget is as useful as an inspiring Ted Talk; The Social Kit can jet-propel your business, marketing or coaching business from 20km/ph to Mach 1. Forget boring presos and white board thinking and embrace the power of TSK.
If you’re the kind of person who does a FBI menu check before rocking up for dinner, then you’ll fit right in with The Social Kit(chen – see what we did there?). We’ll help you deep dive and dissect what makes your food and beverage biz linger in the mind long after the plates have been loaded into the dishwasher. So to speak.
For anything we haven't covered like, I dunno, a vintage car restoration business or kayak polishing service, relaaaax. We can help with that too. We’re so full to the brim with content concepts and cleverness that no business hootenanny is beyond our ken (that’s Scottish for "we got you").

The Toolkit Library
Get inspired, be motivated, learn all the things, revel in the reflected glory of your new social media prowess . . .

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